"The Devil's Playground" by Dutchess Taylor
I had heard about this book for a while and just never read it. I finally decided to download it to my Kindle. I couldn't put it down. It's an unbelievable story about an amazing woman. It shows how faith and love can create miracles. I know the author and always have had a great respect for her, but knowing now all that she has been though has created a new level of respect. She truly is an amazing, wonderful woman. Definitely a must read...
~Bridget Dunkley~
"The Devil's Playground" is a powerful testimony of an account of what love and commitment is all about. It will serve as an inspiration for many folks that may be dealing with a loved one, companion, or friend who is incarcerated. The story reminds us all that even though a person may be behind bars serving time, they are still human beings, and in most cases they still have feelings and years to be loved, and are strengthened by having a caring supporter on the outside that is committed to supporting them through their ordeal...
~H. Ron Brashear/President/Founder - Youth of Honor Foundation~
Let me start by saying that you are a true blessing to this world and I felt that this book was written with parts of my life in it. I respect and admire your faith in the Lord. You remind me of a lady that was in my life for over 30 years. She ended up becoming my wife for 19 years until she went home to be with the Lord. She also had to deal with a madman, but no matter what I did, she stood by my side. Not only did you both travel the same road of pain, but also you both had this great love for the Lord. You brought her back into my life in your book, and I've been doing a lot of soul searching to try to understand why she stayed with me. Your writing had had me reliving my days with her. You made me understand what she went through. I thought I understood, but I had no idea until I read your story. I just relived my life through your eyes and words. I want to thank you very much for your honesty. I hope the Lord will allow me another chance at love. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart... ~Frenando Harris~
Dear Dutchess, thank you for writing and sending your book sharing your relationship with your husband. As I read the story of your ordeal, I was reminded of a quotation from Dorothy Thompson, the famous American journalist who was a refugee from Nazi. She wrote, "courage, it would seem is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows in good, that everything is meaningful, even if in a sense beyond our understanding, and that there is always tomorrow." The steely resolve and relentless optimism embodied in that passage inspire me and make me believe that out of a long darkness we can emerge in a brighter, better day. Keep fighting Dutchess and keep carrying on and keep hoping. Those are the things we can do, and if we do them we will not be disappointed. Thank you, I wish you continued courage and strength in the future...
~(Then)...Senator Barack Obama~
Thank you for sharing your story with the world. All of us have stories to tell, but using your story to bring change because Christ has brought a change in you, has eternal value beyond what we can imagine. I pray that God will use this tool to bring home to many. Your testimony is "for such a time as this..."
~Pastor Skip Ball/ Author of "Stronghold"~
I had the privilege to read "The Devil's Playground" by the Authors/ Walter "Chris" and Dutchess Taylor. This story is both entertaining and educational. It is a firsthand look inside what it is to live behind "Bars of broken dreams." From a mother's painful loss of her child to the system, through a man's journey of survival, and the survival of everyone around him on the outside, serving his sentence with him. You can feel the strength of the Lord as this beautiful couple takes a journey trusting in the Lord and each other, as they face all the challenges that arise as they fight to be together.
They trust in the Lord and His plan in life to have a love that some might never understand, or even have the opportunity to experience. This book is proof that love prevailed through time and distance. But most importantly, it shows how a person can change. With the Lord on his side, and a strong woman next to him always, he will accept his past taking responsibility for it, but not let it determine his future...
~Susan Szecnpanski~
Oh my goodness...what a beautiful (and sometimes surprising) inspired and God-breathed life story you are sharing! I am sure that every person who visits your website and reads your book will find strength and comfort in God's awesome transforming power. Your frankness and willingness to be completely transparent about the bad and the good (and the BEST) will be used by God! It is amazing and hard to put words to my reactions, after reading so much about the prison system and the perversion and deceit that goes on. God had a wonderful plan though all of this and the fact that we grow closer to the Lord in the valleys of our life is so true...and that was true in your case. I'm so very grateful for Chris' change of heart. You must have down right exhausted yourself physically, emotionally and financially with he round trips to each prison he was in. I feel so bad for the abuse that your went through, but the rainbow did appear on the other side. You can feel the true change in Chris though his writing. You might say that Chris was "a tough nut to crack" and only God could do that! I so admire your wisdom and patience in listening tow hat God had promised you... ~Connie Smith~
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